BrandGen Knowledge Base

Top 4 Qualities of Landing Pages That Convert

Written by BrandGen Team | Jan 21, 2022 3:45:00 PM

You’ve got an incredible ad campaign running with catchy copy and design, but for some reason, you’re not getting conversions once prospects click from the ad to your landing page. (That’s not good, but don’t panic.)

An effective landing page is a key factor in creating lead conversions-- but the work doesn’t stop once you get people to the landing page! Every landing page needs a few key elements that will help those ad clicks convert and create actual leads for your business. 

While every business is different and one strategy won’t work for all, understanding and implementing the right components on a landing page will help keep visitors interested. 

Let’s dive into the top qualities of landing pages that actually convert.

1. Structure Matters 

When a visitor first sees a landing page, the layout matters. This is your chance to make a great first impression and may be the difference between a bounce and a form fill. 

Visitors may scan the page to get an idea of how it is organized, so if the page is too cluttered, busy, or confusing, the potential lead may click away. That’s why you need a structure that works. 

First, ask yourself: “What’s most important?” Then, organize accordingly.

It is vital to feature the most important information on the landing page. For example, you can highlight the headline with a bigger font or by placing it near the top of the landing page. The Call To Action (CTA) should also grab the viewer's attention. Be it a compelling ask or an irresistible button, the CTA is what turns viewers into leads. It should be easy to see and read, and compel the viewer to click through, fill out the form, or whatever your desired action is on that page

2. Headlines Keep Attention 

A good headline is what convinces viewers to keep reading. Headlines should be concise yet clear, and get right to the point of the landing page’s purpose. By having the headline be the main idea of whatever your landing page is trying to convey, you are persuading viewers to keep reading past the headline. It seems simple, but lots of landing pages completely miss the mark here!

There are many different ways to build an effective headline. You can throw in humor, a question, or provide your business’s unique value proposition. This all depends on the context of the landing page and what your business provides. For instance, steering clear of divisive or derogatory humor is advised, but using humor that is in line with your audience’s interests and beliefs can be extremely effective.

3. Media and Colors Set the Tone 

The media and colors that you choose for the landing page should be relevant. Different colors may convey different feelings for the viewers. Many people associate colors with different themes, like green for money and environmental matters, red for love and passion, pink for femininity and delicacy, etc. Colors go beyond personal preference – and they should also align with your brand.

You can use three main types of media on a landing page: images, videos, and gifs. 

  • Images can display the product, evoke emotion, tell a story, or direct attention to an area of the landing page. 
  • Videos may be appealing for many visitors because they could save them time reading, or tell a story in a new way. It's likely that most people would rather watch a video than read text, but you can test your metrics to decide based upon your audiences. Videos can also keep the viewer engaged for longer periods of time. 
  • .Gifs act as a great middle ground between images and videos. They are animated images that can capture attention more than just an image alone. 

4. Effective Copy Leads to Action

If your viewer reads past the headline, you’re in a good place! You can now secure the click-through with brief, persuasive copy. 

Copy is the actual writing that will tell the viewer a bit more about what you’re trying to accomplish. It is important to provide context that will appeal to the reader in this section. You can utilize bullet points, lists, and/or different fonts to ensure the most important information stands out. 

Most importantly: know your target audiences, and speak directly to them. This is not about you or your business – it’s about how you can add value and solve a problem for them.

Bonus: Trust Makes the Difference 

Potential customers need to be able to trust what you’re providing. If a viewer feels like they can trust your business, they are much more likely to click through. There are many different ways to develop trust between your business and the prospect. You could use statistical evidence, customer testimonials, and privacy statements to reveal that your business is reliable. You could also use outside sources of trust (or a “trust badge”), like a recognizable logo of a brand you have worked with, endorsements, awards, or certifications.

Now, you can take those ads to an eye-catching, conversion-making machine of a landing page, right? Remember, you can always test various parts of the page using A/B testing, or change one element at a time to see if conversions pick up. Keep going, and you’ll become more and more effective.

Now that you have a better understanding of how to build effective landing pages, it’s time to get actionable steps to running more effective B2B campaigns. Are you ready?

Check out the eBook: “Guide to B2B Marketing Strategy. A Framework You Can Implement”.